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😳 hey guys yesterday night my bunny started staring and something, growling an thumping, he looked really scared and it scared me too. Is it possible for bunnies to see 👻? I don’t wanna sound ridiculous i just have no explanation for that since i didn’t put any new object there for him to be annoyed

😳 hey guys yesterday night my bunny started staring and something, growling an thumping, he looked really scared and it scared me too. Is it possible for bunnies to see 👻? I don’t wanna sound ridiculous i just have no explanation for that since i didn’t put any new object there for him to be annoyed

by staryxanax


  1. shayminshaming

    Their hearing is so good, I wonder if he heard a cat outside?

  2. FluffyGreenTurtle

    A couple years ago, one of my buns thumped a TON one night, on and off for at least 15 minutes. The only possible explanation I could think of was that a little while later I found a large bug kinda nearby??

  3. nikkioliver

    Bunnies are Very, Very Particular about how they like things and their senses are much stronger than ours. The only possible thing I can think of if you didn’t move anything is that he hears, smells, sees, or even feels something different than normal and he’s nervous/scared/upset because of it. Could be a neighbor doing something, the sounds or smell of an animal somewhere, vibrations from loud music outside, any number of things. Even something harmless (a box slightly moved, cooking a new food) can sometimes set a rabbit off 😆 They’re funny little things. Is that the TV going in the background? He may even perceive the voices from the TV to be a threat lol.

  4. snicknicky

    We had a mouse in our kitchen that my bunny noticed way before we did. She thumped and ran a lot about it. If it’s a ghost it can’t hurt you anyway according to my beliefs.

  5. Macaroon_Low

    Sounds like they found the r/greebles

  6. Piano_Sonata

    I wonder if he thumps while in the standing up position, will he bounce?

  7. simsim7842

    There was a possum that would come into our yard and used to eat the plants next to the window. It would spook the heck out of our rabbit in the middle of the night.

  8. Lovealltigers

    Sometimes my bunny thumps if there’s a bug

  9. stonedscubagirl

    rabbits have extremely sensitive hearing so he probably heard either something your neighbor was doing or a sound outside that startled him.

  10. GorgeousMetal

    He looks very alert and definitely senses something. If he was also thumping, then he was trying to protect you by warning you. I don’t know if bunnies can sense ghosts, but he was very alarmed.

  11. foresthome13

    The others have explained it but I wanted to add that (in my beliefs anyway) animals are pure spirits that can easily see ghosts and supernatural entities.

  12. 7evenate9ine

    Rabbits can hear things that are way too quiet for your human ears. He likely heard some scratching or crawling sounds of some animal or insect outside. Always go with the simplest explanation.

  13. MsSpicyO

    I thought you had the bunny outside in the snow. Then I realized it was a blanket.

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