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My sweet girl has been really sick this past month, but she always asks for snuggles after her critical care. These moments are so freaking precious 😭

Ughhh my heart 💜

My sweet girl has been really sick this past month, but she always asks for snuggles after her critical care. These moments are so freaking precious 😭
by u/jeheuskwnsbxhzjs in Rabbits

by jeheuskwnsbxhzjs


  1. DoubleNickle67

    They’re amazing loving animals. I hope she’s doing better.

  2. Alexputridity06

    What a sweetie. Hope she gets better. 💕😍

  3. Specialist-Brief4744

    Hope she gets better 😍♥️

  4. ninoruk86

    Aww poor girl. Sending healing vibes ❤️✨

  5. Conscious-Grass6749

    My bunny has been sick for almost a year, a thymoma that’s slowly killing him. It’s so awful but the more he doesn’t feel good the more he wants/needs snuggles. It makes the saddest parts a bit lighter knowing they trust us and come to us for comfort. I hope your bunny makes a full recovery, but man soak in all those sacred snuggles!

  6. markr329

    Good vibes and I’ll say a prayer. I’m not one to pray but I will for her. I know all too well what you’re going through. I lost my Honey a year ago. Good luck with your precious girl and enjoy the time you have with her. ❤️

  7. The_Easter_Egg

    Oh dear, what a sweet and loving little being! I hope she gets well really soon! 🥰 🤗

  8. MessageTimely

    I hope that sweetie gets better. Tater and I are giving all the bun love we have.

  9. kookoonop

    Such an absolute darling. I really hope it all turns around for the both of you.

    I also wanted to add that sometimes when you’ve done many tests and can’t figure out what’s wrong, there is absolutely nothing wrong with getting a second opinion or asking for the results to be sent to a specialist. As a vet, I’m always happy when a client tells me they’re going to get a second opinion- sometimes it’s a learning experience for me as well, and other times it just confirms what we already knew.

    All the best to you and your little one. You’re doing a great job!

  10. Wanderlust1101

    💋😘❤️😊🤗🥰😍I hope your beautiful babygirl recovers soon! She looks like a sweetie.

  11. xsuperkitty

    Our bunny just went through something similar! It took a lot tricks (and critical care) to get him through it but today he is 100% acting himself! I hope your bunny is better soon! Sending healing vibes!

  12. bunnymoxie

    Oh what a precious sweetheart. I’m sorry you’re having trouble figuring out what’s wrong with her; I know how frustrating that is. Have you had a CT scan?

    Sending lots of hugs to you both.

  13. awildstone

    I remember taking my bun to the vet when she had a tooth infection, she couldn’t wait to jump off of the table into my arms

  14. Impossible-Toe-7761

    Is she a Californian,she’s lovely sending hugs to both of you

  15. krummi_krummsson

    that is seriously the most precious thing ever, I really hope she gets better soon 😔💖

  16. MakaveliTheDon22

    Poor baby, I hope she gets better. She looks so content with the snuggles. She’s a fighter.

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