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Baby Bunny Baby Rabbit

Ducklings jump into the basket to sleep with kitten Loki while bunnies run around

Ducklings jump into the basket to sleep with kitten Loki while bunnies run around.
#cat #kitten #tinykitten #duck #duckling #littleduck #ducks #ducklings #bunny


  1. Cat: “I don’t remember having kids… but I guess I’m a mother.”
    (Bunnies jump in)
    Cat: “what the-How many kids do I have?!…oh well. Just keep it down, bigger babies. Your brothers and sisters are having nap time.”

  2. I am always facinated by the sick naive minds of those pet youtubers that put animals of the opposite food chain together to please themselves and for their own entertainment or even money. And let me add those parents to the same group that leave their own babies more or less unsupervised with their pet dogs fully trusting the animal nothing will happen. The thing is, it might work well, maybe it actually does often work well. Until it doesn't. And that is what you don't see or read about in Youtube or the media because those people shut up for embarassment of their own stupidity. Well done society you proof once more you are not fit for survival and your own future.

  3. Yes! ducklings and kittens and bunnies and floof
    Not wars and earthquakes and the planet going Poof!

  4. This may be the planet's highest magnitude "epicenter of cuteness" at this exact location.
    Diabetic warning- PSA

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