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Bunny Rabbit

Cute bunny goes for a walk.

I took my bunny, Wendy for a walk. She likes to get out and about so I took her out.

When I took this video Wendy wasn’t doing so great, so I took her out for a walk to perk her up. Sadly she passed away two days later. She was around 9 years old so it didn’t come as a surprise, but it still hurt. I took this video because I had a feeling she didn’t have much longer and I wanted to have something to remember her by.

When I got her she came from a neglectful home with her fur bleached and stained from her’s, and her brother’s urine. She was only a tiny baby, she fit in the palm of my hand. Because of the condition she was in when I got her I thought she would not live to be old. I assumed that she would be unhealthy, but i’m glad I was wrong. Rest in peace my little trooper, I love you.