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10 Cutest Baby Animals You Have To Pet!

10 Cutest Baby Animals You Have To Pet!

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Have you ever seen a baby animal? You have?! What a shocker… Ok, we can stop pretending to
be stupid and turn uncovering one of the cutest things ever created on this earth- baby animals.
You can turn away if you don’t like puppies… or little kittens. Otherwise, you can keep on
We’re going to be looking at some of the cutest animals on the planet, and some that will
override your cuteness factor. The beady little black eyes, and that cute snout… oops, we gave
out our number nine… And we’ll show you that you can never beat number 1… eveeer!!!
Before you start guessing what our number 1 pick is, you might enjoy watching the entire
video… if you want your daily dose of vitamin AWWW! Enough stalling, let’s get our cute on,
with the 10 Cutest Baby Animals You Need to See. Let’s jump right in!

#10 Baby Hamster

We start off this list with one of the cutest pets anyone can ever own and they are hamsters…
specifically baby hamsters. The little feet, stubby tail and those little whiskers are incredibly
cute but did you know that hamster are actually nearsighted and colorblind. Despite these
drawbacks, hamsters, especially baby hamsters use all of their other senses to move around
and climb in their cage. Not to mention they can sense the slightest movement in their
When they are born, baby hamsters are only about an inch long, and they are blind. Their
eyesight, however stunted it may be, develops only afterwards. Mind you, they eat everything,
they are omnivores, so whether it’s meat or plants, it doesn’t matter.
If you want to keep multiple hamsters in one cage, then you should expect to see some fights,
even bloodshed. That’s right, these solitary animals are keen on fighting, no matter how cute.

#9 Piglet

And here we have the number 9 we mentioned in the video’s intro. Even though their parents
are not as cute as these guys, little pigs are a small ray of sunshine that will put a smile on your
face. And that’s why many people are starting to buy little baby piglets as pets and feeding
them milk from a bottle.

A mommy pig will carry them for 115 days in her belly before they’re born. If you noticed there,
we said “them”, that’s because 12 of them are born at a time. Imagine having 12 piglets
running around your house. That’s just adorable. These little guys are carnivorous, so they eat
everything, although while they’re little, they eat nothing but milk. Sometimes pigs give birth to
13 piglets, and the last one is usually pushed aside and waits for the others to stop suckling.

#8 Bunny

The doe, or female rabbit gives birth to around 15 little furless 1- inch babies that are called
kits. They are covered in the mother’s fur and their eyes and ears are sealed shut at the day of
Unlike other mammals, the doe doesn’t feed her young immediately after their birth. She
SMASHES THAT LIKE BUTTON IF SHE HASN’T DONE SO, OR she waits until midnight to feed
them. She usually does it between midnight and 5:00 am, as during this period, almost all of the
predators are asleep. Did you know that the rabbit’s milk is so strong that after feeding them
for 15 minutes, the meal lasts them for 24 hours?
They want to be separated from the pack at around 5-6 weeks old ad they start maturing at this

#7 Baby Panda

From March to May, after the mating period is over the grown-up pandas carry the baby for 3-5
months. Therefore, the birth-period of pandas is between July to September.
Judging from its giant size, you’d think that panda babies would be very big, but that’s not the
case. The newborns are 900 times smaller than their mothers, weighing only around 3 oz at
birth. Not to mention the smallest newborn panda was only 0.1 pounds.
They are born pink and without any fur, they develop the protective and warm fur only later on
in life. For pandas, the newborns are a real burden and in case the mother has twins she will
leave the weaker one and only care for the stronger one.
And if you ever wanted to hold a baby panda in your hands, you can do so at the Wolong Panda
Center. And you don’t need to hurry, as they will reach maturity only after 2 years.