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The Aurora Rabbit Hole

Let us take a trip down a rabbit hole.
Jack Leynnwood did Aurora’s KC-135 artwork based on their B-707 images so it had no refueling boom. According to Graham’s book Jack used the Aurora 707 info to make the illustration. He did the art in 1962 or 63. The KC-135A had been around for 5 years but I am guessing Aurora just wanted to re-use the B-707 mold they got from Comet without changes, ergo, no boom, just use the existing material. Just my guess. I have told that he kit DID have the boom.
The F-86 had no air refueling capability but then a mysterious photo showed up thus this video.
BTW, the USAF did manage to get F-84G to Korea before the end of the conflict which really helped with air support for ground troops, but that is another rabbit hole.