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Baby Bunny Baby Rabbit

baby rabbit (binky bunny)

binky bunny rabbit came to us at six weeks and five days old. he was loving and sweet from the start but we did not know of the health problems he would face or we would face with him. He was a single kit. the only one born in a whole litter. just him. that could account for his health problems who knows. maybe there were other bunnies but they died in utero or something or they were not formed propperly ect but binky has fits,he has collapses he has gi problems and he has a neuro dissorder he has a huge dent in the front of his head!! he displays odd behaviour but he is beautiful. he has nearly died so many times I have lost count and at last cound he had gi stasis in 22 months of life over 40 times, we do not count any more. He always seem to push through no matter how sick he gets. he has bought so much joy to our lifes I can not explain. He has medication daily and has cost a fortune a total fortune and you know what, every penny was worth it to keep this lil guy alive as there is no price on such a precious life. I only mention how much it has cost as people think bunnys are cheap. yeh to buy!! but not to keep healthy and most certainly not if they are sick. they need a specialised vet and lots of on going care. we love lil binky. he is a true inspiration to his fellow bunnys on this earth and to the word bunny!! he is a pet, a familly member, he is a house bunny, and lives with our other pets. I know this is not possible in a lot of house holds but do always give buns love time attention and play and exercise they are so sociable and giving trusting loving animals