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Baby Bunny Baby Rabbit

Super Cute Bunny Plays With Cats Baby Rabbit And Cat Meet, Become Total Twins

There are plenty of unlikely animal friendships, but who knew bunnies and cats could get along so well?!

They might seem like natural enemies — and in the wild, they are — but in this house, they’re the best of friends.

“I got to pet sit my mom’s friends male bunny named Henio. He was very curious and playful. My cats are used to meeting different kinds of animals, so while they were curious of the new friend, they soon started to play. No animals were harmed in the making of the video. The bunny was only allowed out of the cage when I was there to supervise,” the cats’ owner wrote on YouTube.

In the video, the family introduces their cats to the new bunny. The one cat really didn’t know what to do, reaching out to the bunny, probably trying to figure out just what kind of animal he’s dealing with. Each time, the bunny keeps surprising him! What I love is how gentle the cats are. Really, they just want to play.

Even though you may think these cats’ instincts would kick in, these adorable animals can’t seem to get enough of each other. How sweet is this trio?!

Wallace the rabbit proves that a pet can be friends with just about anyone – especially if they match.

Wallace, a Flemish Baby, is a particularly hefty rabbit, and he’s not even done growing. He also happens to look just like his best friend, a cat named Gus.

Their owner documents their adventures on Instagram, where a very sweet portrait emerges of two animals who just want to be best friends.

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