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Baby Bunny Baby Rabbit

Cute baby cottontail (bunny) 「かわいいうさちゃん」

This video was taken right after it’s first “real” feeding of a proper diet.
We “acquired” this bunny in a parking lot and it somehow ended up in a box in our bathroom. We’ve recently taken it to an animal hospital where they instructed us on how to take care of it. Since then it’s been extremely active and hopping it’s little behind off every chance it gets thus living up to it’s name ‘Thumper’ (as you can see in this video). It’s still in an ‘iffy’ stage of it’s life where it has to be fed two times a day with special food. It’s not a guarantee that it will survive, but as of now it looks pretty good 😉 The bunny is still too young to tell if it’s a ‘he’ or a ‘she’, so we’ve just been calling it an ‘it’. One thing that we were told was that baby bunnies are often over fed and can lead to a sad ending. Anyone who is watching this and is trying to care for a baby bunny, please consult a trained veterinarian as we did.
It’s current diet consist of:
*nutritive adult rabbit feces (helps digestion for baby rabbits)
*diluted kitten formula (helps grow big and strong)
*organic dandelion greens
*alfalfa pellets (it is not too fond of them)
*romaine lettuce
*Carrot shavings (it loves these)

Thank you Softypapa and MULLY for giving me the motivation and reason to upload this video.

Post Scrip: I apologize for the camera quality. I didn’t want to you any bright light since I didn’t want to hurt it’s eyes.

