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Bunny Rabbit

Rabbit freaking out over plastic bag!

A tiny, pet bunny rabbit goes outside to eat grass. The rabbit loves eating grass, so much so that the rabbit will eat in a windstorm. The rabbit is considering making a rabbit eating ASMR video because he loves eating so much, but right then, a plastic bag blows out of nowhere and scares the rabbit! Please don’t freak out, rabbit!

The free roam rabbit / free range rabbit explores outside and eats grass until he gets scared by the bag and freaks out, jumping away. Rabbits are fast! We will give the rabbit the benefit of the doubt and assume he was running away to ensure his own safety, before returning to save his human (like putting on your own air mask first before assisting others on an airplane). After the scare, the rabbit was on high alert for a moment, before returning to eating.

The free roam rabbit/free range rabbit enjoys going outside to eat and play. On this day, the rabbit had a hard time deciding if he wanted to go out or not. The rabbit had his head stuck out the door for the longest time monitoring the weather conditions. The rabbit finally decided that that he thought he might want to try going outside and eating some grass. However, once the door was open and the rabbit hopped out, he immediately had second thoughts, and turned back. The rabbit is brave and adventurous, but he also enjoys the creature comforts of the warm indoors – hence his indecision.

Back and forth he went – weighing the promise of the unknown adventures of the outside with the warmth and gaiety of the living room. The rabbit finally decides to stay outside. The rabbit hops over to the lawn, and is immediately met with the full force of the wind! Whoa! The windstorm blows his fur and almost knocks him over! Whoa! Then the bag comes and scares the rabbit! Gee!

Wind speeds during a windstorm typically exceed 55 km (34 miles) per hour. Wind damage can be attributed to gusts (short bursts of high-speed winds) or longer periods of stronger sustained winds. Although tornadoes and tropical cyclones also produce wind damage, they are usually classified separately.

What is a rabbit’s favorite food? It’s not grass, unfortunately (It’s banana)! Can rabbits eat grass? Yes, they totally can! Is grass safe for rabbits to eat? Yes, it is! Like all foods though, except the rabbit’s beloved hay, moderation is key, and all rabbits are different, so read up on rabbit diets or please talk to your vet.

Everyone seems to think the rabbit looks like the singer Jungkook. Jungkook is the youngest member of South-Korean Kpop group BTS. The rabbit thanks you for your kind words!

Thanks for checking out Pipkin and our rabbit channel. We hope you think he is the cutest rabbit ever, because he really enjoys making videos – ASMR videos in particular! Pipkin is a free range rabbit / free roam rabbit and we all enjoy making cute rabbit videos. If you’d like to see more cute rabbit videos, please watch some of our other work!

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