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Bunny Rabbit

Leaving our Rabbit behind #rabbit #lionhead #cuterabbit

We decided to move to Canada to pursue a second degree, and in doing so, left our house, family & friends, and a lot of other things behind. But it was time to move on, explore new things, and develop ourselves. One of the difficult things was to leave Jon Bob Snow, our rabbit, behind. So after arriving in Canada, I thought that I’d compile the photos and videos I had of him – along with some ‘philosophies’ we thought that Jon had for life, and publish them here.

Sorry for the bad quality/blurring of many images and videos – I never intended for the material to be uploaded to youtube, so I didn’t think much about quality when taking the pictures. Enjoy!

Music: Adagio in G minor by Tomaso Albinoni, performed by Yulia Lebedenko, licensed under the Creative Commons, available at