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Bunny Rabbit

Trying to wipe a rabbit's nose!

Pipkin is a free roam pet bunny rabbit with a cute nose! The rabbit was sick and is still getting over a cold, so he needs his nose wiped from time to time. The only problem is, the rabbit does NOT like getting his nose wiped. Often times we feed him some greens as we wipe his nose but, as you can see from his messy mouth, he just finished eating. The rabbit views getting his nose wiped as a kind of game, and tries his best to snatch the tissue away. The rabbit is a friendly, kind beast, fortunately, and is very careful to never bite a human, only the tissue. Thank you, Pipkin!

The rabbit likes playing any game where he gets a treat. The rabbit loves eating treats – eating is one of his favorite activities – along with sleeping, running, and making cute rabbit videos! In the Kleenex game, he doesn’t get a treat until the game is over and his nose has been wipe. The rabbit thinks the game is to tear the tissue to shreds, before his nose can be wiped. Silly rabbit!

Thanks for checking out Pipkin and our rabbit channel. We hope you think he is the cutest rabbit ever, because he really enjoys making videos – ASMR videos in particular! Pipkin is a free range rabbit / free roam rabbit and we all enjoy making cute rabbit videos. If you’d like to see more cute rabbit videos, please watch some of our other work!

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Thank you!! 😀
