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Pododermatitis- Please Help

I need some advices concerning my rabbit and its pododermatitis.

It’s not THAT bad, since we can’t really see it because of It’s fur. It covers it. Still, the back part of It’s feet varies from clear pink to almost red sometimes.

We are carefull with carpets, there aren’t many. The litter is the easy clean and we shake it so It’s not dusty. His health is very good, well balanced food and a lot of playing (3 different rooms where he can just go free, and sometimes we bring him outsideon a leash).

After 3 vets we still have no clue why it keeps going. I put some photos of when It’s not too bad (today is bad and I don’t want to touch his feet). And of course some pictures of him because he will make you heart melt.

by Temporary_Camp2459

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