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why is my rabbit so entitled

This is my rabbit. His name is Toaster. He is 2 years old and I am convinced that he believes he is of superior intelligence and above every one in his presence. He knows no boundaries. He can and will open the bathroom door and my bedroom door and come in and out as he pleases. He does not value my sleep, or time. I am woken up multiple times a night to his vegetable breath on my face. I spend countless money on toys and treats for this drama king and he ignores them, and proceeds to eat trash or phone chargers instead. If i’m in his way, he will literally just walk over me and despite me trimming them regularly, this is very painful as his nails- no, CLAWS are very sharp. If I am eating, he will stare at me and guilt trip me into giving him some. Of course I can’t always give him some because not all food is safe for rabbits and this will send him into a ravenous fury. This is barely scratching the surface of his entitlement. The thing is, he’s not even that smart. His IQ is probably somewhere in the 30s and he has little to bo survival instincts yet still hops around like he owns the place. Anyways. It is his feeding time and I have to stop typing or I will pay.

by New-Lie-875

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