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elderly, shedding chonk out in her run today

elderly, shedding chonk out in her run today

by ElectronicHumans


  1. Narenthanil

    So cute! Honestly from the photo you instantly want to caress and cuddle her! 🐰😍

  2. katherinecholmantal

    Such a majestic floof! Elderly rabbits deserve all the love and carrots in the world.

  3. ernurse748

    She looks like she has all the answers. Love.

  4. DianWithoutTheE

    I just posted a video from the vet. Please check your chonky buns for any open sores or wounds, even if they are small, Before and after outside time! I let him out for outside time and now he has (possible) flystrike and it’s not looking good for him. Check your buns’ buns and under areas please!

  5. datinggoskrrrrrrrrra

    She’s the puffy matriarch! What a beautiful and adorable bun!

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