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How do I get bun to eat more hay?

This is SoyBun! Please ignore the amount of apples and carrots in the pic, this was after his neuter and I was desperate to get him to eat anything!

He has been with us a week and I am in love. I have a diet question however. He eats pellets fine and romaine lettuce fine. He is 7 lbs and gets 1/4 cup pellets and 4 romaine leaves a day. I have also been putting a new bunny friendly treat in his bowl and so far, he turns his nose up at anything except romaine and carrots.

Leading to my question. I know hay is supposed to be the biggest piece of diet, but bun barely eats any? He nibbles on it but truly he would rather eat his brown paper bedding… and does 🙁 How do I encourage him to eat more hay?

by KatieKat29037

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