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Binkies, zoomies, and flops, but no pets

Hey bun parents!

I brought my 12 week old boy, Peanut, home about 4 days ago and he seems to be adjusting super well!

He’s a very curious boy, and wasn’t skiddish at all from the moment he came home. He was binkying around within his first 24 hours home!

He’s also doing super well with the litter training (no peeps outside of his box in the last 24 hours and 90%+ of poops!) So we’re planning to expand his space within the next few days.

Right now he’s in an Xpen where i sit with him before and after work every day. He does zoomies and comes to sniff me when i open the door or go into his area.

He’s such a fun lil guy and seems to be really happy in his new space and with myself and my partner but he’s still very much not keen on any touching. I’ve gone for an ear pet once or twice just for him to kick away at me.

I know he’s well ahead of schedule in general when it comes to bring a bun home and bonding with them, but i just wanted to see if there was anything i should/shouldn’t be doing to get him adjusted to/accepting of hands and pets.

Thank you so much for your help and insight 🫢

by plantaholic420

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