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Bunny Rabbit

Is this Rabbit Really Peeing or Just Trying to get a Treat?

A tiny pet bunny rabbit named Pipkin needs to use the bathroom in a hurry! Or so the rabbit wants you to believe! The rabbit was making a cute rabbit eating ASMR video and as soon as he finished, he ran right over to his rabbit litter box to make a pee. Was it real though? Or is he pretending to be a rabbit actor to try and get a treat for dessert!?

In the first clip, we see the rabbit run and hop into his litter box. Beware though, while the bunny rabbit looks convincing, he is just trying to fool you and get a treat. The rabbit hops out and looks up expectantly. This is a lie. Do not believe him. He is very cunning. No matter how much he jumps on your foot and prances around, do not give in. The rabbit will lick your foot, and open his eyes wide. He will make his ears stand tall and wiggle his tail. You must stand firm.

For the second clip, the rabbit runs over and hops into his litter box. This time, the rabbit raises his tail. This is the signal that he is really going to the bathroom. (Kind of like a poker tell, if you will.) He hops out and looks up expectantly. This time it is okay to give him a treat. In fact, it would be an injustice not to, as the rabbit deserves a nice reward. Good bunny!

As you can see, the rabbit’s behavior is virtually identical in each instance. However, it would be a terrible mistake to reward him in the first case, and a terrible injustice not to reward him in the second. We hope this video helps you train your own glorious beast!

The free roam rabbit (or free range rabbit) is litter box trained. He is often rewarded with a tiny bite of papaya to reinforce his litter box training. The rabbit did receive and eat the treat (after the second video, of course!)

Can rabbits be litter boxed trained? Yes! Training a rabbit is not difficult. Wondering how to train a rabbit to use a litter box? Training a rabbit just takes repetition and reward! When the rabbit starts to go to the bathroom, put the rabbit on the litter box. Then reward your rabbit! Is training a rabbit hard? No, it’s easy! Rabbits are smart, and will understand your training quickly!

Thanks for checking out Pipkin and our rabbit channel. We hope you think this is the cutest rabbit video ever, because he really enjoys making videos – the rabbit ASMR ones featuring the rabbit eating particularly! If you’d like to see more cute rabbit videos, please watch some of our other work!

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