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Rabbit losing hair and need help

I have a bunny born in 2016 who is losing fur as of two weeks ago it looks as if there is some kind of flakes/mites that are infecting the area. This is strange because this is an indoor rabbit and he does not come into contact with any other rabbits nor animals did fur as of two weeks ago it looks as if there is some kind of flakes/mites that are infecting the area. This is strange because this is an indoor rabbit and he does not come into contact with any other rabbits nor animals he does not go outside.

He is in good health otherwise he eats just fine and acts just fine. This was also sudden.

He doesn’t flinch when the area is touched, assuming there’s no major pain because of this and because the area does not seem irritated.

Any help would be great please

by Calm-Explanation6944

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