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Rural king buns for hobby farm

I thought I knew my rabbit care facts but now realize I made a rookie move – I got two male rabbits.

I got two thinking that they are social animals so they need a friend and they appeared bonded in store.

My plan was to keep these in a hutch in a climate controlled garage and bring them outside in a predator proof run with water/necessities of course for at least two hours a day for their stimulation/to graze/play with them.

Do I now need to have two separate runs for them while keeping their hutch enclosure seperate?
Is there any chance that two un neutered males will tolerate each other or is it a sure thing they will turn murderous? Will there be signs of their aggression that slowly occur? How do I know when I need to separate them?

Don’t butcher me in the comments for being unprepared – I will give them a good life just learning along the way 👍🏼

by No-Sock-4373

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