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Rate this doorstopper

Rate this doorstopper

by pm_me_hedgehogs


  1. HarveyTheBroad

    1/10 it darts out of the room as soon as anything touches it

  2. Runaway2332

    Very attractive yet possibly an ineffective model. Did you pay extra for the streamlined ears? Also your doorstop does not look very enthusiastic…was this taken on a Monday? Maybe you should increase the treat allotment on Mondays. ๐Ÿค” And certainly Tuesdays…Wednesdays, of course because HUMP DAY, and definitely on Thursdays and Fridays because..the weekend is SO close! Might as well include increased treats on the weekend, too, because doorstops have to keep their weight up. All in all, you might have purchased a very adorable but unenthusiastic doorstop. ๐Ÿค” Still…definitely worth keeping for the attractiveness of the model.

  3. Sephy-the-Lark

    I mean itโ€™s a great decorative item but functionality wise Iโ€™m not so sure

  4. pantsless_squirrel

    Deserves a Timothy cookie and ear rubs

  5. Dry_Dimension_4707

    This coat is far too shiny to be door stopper. This bunny should be working as a greeter at IHOP where this shiny coat can be properly appreciated by hungry folks on a quest for the short stack with bacon, potatoes and OJ. Theyโ€™ll be so mesmerized by the sheen they wonโ€™t even hear the beep of the microwave.

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