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what the

saw my baby layin like this. couldn’t get a better pic without her gettin up lol!! (this is a 2 level cage INSIDE a play pen btw)

by RA88OT


  1. alennustuote

    THOSE BUTT CHEEKS OH MY those thufts could be braided πŸ˜…

  2. yazzerz1987

    Flopped bunnies don’t belong in cages I recomend a pen house they need room to run

  3. yazzerz1987

    Watch Lennon the bunny on YouTube a lot of info on bunnies

  4. Clear-Education-8816

    Two of my bunnies (I have 5, all older rescues) like to return to their double decker cages to relax, use the litter boxes, nibble hay, take a siesta, and then hop back out. The biggest bunny likes to go to the top half shelf over the 2nd level to sprawl. When bunnies feel secure, they like the view from the top. Maybe when they want to sleep, they feel safer inside a pen or cage. Even house rabbits have the instinct to be cautious when vulnerable — sleeping, resting, or not feeling well.

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