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Advice on how to help a depressed rabbit

My rabbit Collin has been on his own since his partner died at the end of January. We are in the process of finding a companion for him but in the meantime he seems stressed and is eating less. He has been in and out of the vets for his reduced appetite and at one point for GI stasis but no underlying medical cause has been found (no dental issues or anything in his bloods to indicate illness).

He no longer eats his pellets much but still enjoys greens (mostly herbs). In order to keep his gut moving and avoid stasis I’ve taken to giving him unlimited herbs of whichever he actually eats (having checked first if they are safe to eat in larger quantities). He had never been too picky before but now only eats about half of what he would normally and has lost weight.

I was advised by the vets to give him plenty of attention which I do however he is occasionally aggressive (unusually for him) and will scratch at me and grunt when I check in on him. I’ve therefore been trying to find a balance between attention and space but it can be difficult to judge sometimes when he will lash out as he would be snuggling and teeth chattering while having a cuddle then suddenly switch to snorting and lunging at me. I realise the key thing for him is to get another companion which we are in the process of doing however until then does anyone have any advice on how to help him feel more at ease?

by nemoshea

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