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Brought baby bunny home with fleas in house, how do I keep him safe and happy? :(

Hi guys, so I am currently facing a flea issue which I had not been completely aware of until I brought my baby bunny Darko home. I had been getting bites all over my legs prior to bringing Darko home and had assumed it was just mosquitoes. I came to the realization that it was in fact fleas after I sprayed my bed and carpet with lemongrass bug repellent the night I brought him home and they began practically swarming his cage instead. I quickly transferred Darko from his enclosure to the carrier I initially picked him up from and am now staying in a different room where we both are safe from being bitten on a very high bed. I just feel so bad because his carrier is very small leaving him barely any room to move around in. I do let him free roam the bed for a few hours so he’s not locked in there all day but this really wasn’t the plan and I know how much it must suck for him to be in that tiny carrier most of the time. I don’t want to transfer his enclosure into this room either just incase the fleas find their way into here too and run the risk of him being bitten. I have doused my carpets in flea killer and vacuumed but they remain still present in the other room. I also have an exterminator coming and plan on using a flea bomb to really ensure that this house is 100% eliminated of fleas before me and Darko move back to the room we were staying before. What can i do in the meantime to ensure my baby stays safe from fleas and also entertained?

by ghostgirl105

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