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I have a single bunny and I feel guilty

I’ve had my bun, Mr. Spark, for 2 weeks now. We’ve made a lot of progress bonding and he now lets us pet him. I’ve done enough research before getting him… or so I thought.

I’ve read that it’s okay to have just one bunny. But as I read more about it, ppl are saying that it’s abuse to have just one bunny 🥺😢

I love him to bits. My boyfriend and I care about him. He’s our family. When i’m at work, my boyfriend is home with him. Except for two days in a week that we’re both out during business hours.

I’m not ready to have another bunny. I live in a studio and Mr. Spark is free-roaming. I can also give him the best quality of life financially if he’s alone.

Is it abuse that we can only have him and we’re leaving him alone 2 days of the week during business hours? I go home immediately after work.

by Sea-Variation451

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