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Can someone tell me what this is?

These are both of my male bunnies. I noticed a couple of weeks ago that the black one had a bald spot on his head (that black patch of fur in the center) and it wasn’t irritated at all so I thought he may just be shedding. Well today I get a close look and see that all around the now grown in hair is bald spots and it looks really irritated. I don’t know what it is and was hoping for advice on what to do about it. A vet is hard for me because I live cities away from one and I don’t know of any that take bunnies (I’m in a very small town in OK) but I will work it out if necessary. After seeing the black bunnies head I checked my gray baby and he has no bald spots but his private area looks odd. I’m not expert but I don’t think that’s how it’s supposed to look. It kind of looks swollen around. I promise I’m not a bad bunny mom this has never happened before. Please help.

by MaeAnn2017

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