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I woke up today to find my baby Judy decided it was her time.. I spent 3 days trying to catch her out of my neighbors back yard after someone just dumped her. I remember I didn’t want to keep her at first because I knew nothing about rabbits… But I found my self buying pellets hay bales treats and toys that weekend because she was just to cute to give up… I’m heart broken just the other day I was smiling and laughing as she zoomed, blinked, and chased one of my cats around… Her favorite treats were unsweetened banana chips and she absolutely loved Dill.. She would rummage through her food just to eat that first and would always push it away is she didn’t have any… It’s killing me that I wasn’t holding her to show her I loved her like I have with my other pets… You know to be honest I never wanted a rabbit growing up and never thought much of them but she has single handedly changed all of that.. I’ll miss laying on the floor and cuddling her as well as her jumping across my bed and laying at my feet when I’m at my computer… Or the way she teased my younger cat beerus.. I’m sorry for going on and I’m sorry if you cried even half as much as me but I want to be able to remember her and all the happiness she brought me.. R.I.P Judy (aka judges) you were loved cherished and brought so much joy I didn’t even know I needed I’ll miss you and I will always love you.

by AnAbbstraction

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