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I cried over Craigslist (Again)

Okay I tagged this NSFW because I’m sensitive to talks or rabbit de@th and rabbits being used for me@t or their fur. To the post!

I got my rabbit from a store that sells rabbits with no background checks and I’ve heard horror stories of rabbits from there being bought not to be had as pets. Naturally I cry over that sort of thing. I downloaded Craigslist recently to try and sell some things and get hired for local jobs and saw so many people selling animals mostly farm animals (sheep, chickens, cows, afew horses and donkeys) but I also saw some people selling cats and dogs and then of course the rabbits. So many poor bunnies being sold listed under pelt or meat. I cried and tried not to look because it’s not illegal and I can’t save them all. It just breaks my heart. I plan to when I’m a bit older and have a house of my own that’s actually mine even though it’ll probably be small and not in the country I currently reside, I plan to run a bunny rescue. Abandoned, abused, needing to be re-homed, etc, any bunny in need of a safe haven I’ll take them in. That’s pretty much my dream. Sorry this post is a bit long and sad I just really love the community this subreddit has.

PS if anyone is looking to get a bunny or save one I learned tonight that Craigslist is a decent place to look 🙂

Thanks for reading, as a little treat I added pictures of my rescued bunny gal who’s now living her best bunny life.

by MyBsOnline

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