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Good Christmas Gift for a Bunny?

Hey guys! My sister has a bunny and I wanted to ask for help on some good Christmas gifts for a bunny like toys or treats. Is there anything I should avoid?

I don’t know anything about bunnies lol so any help would be appreciated.

Here is an obligatory picture of Buster

by x_iii_x


  1. ASeasonOfDodos

    Depending on your budget, if you got less than 50 euros to invest in, I’d personally go for a nice set of toys, some bunny blankets, or any accessories you like. If you can give more than 50 I’d go for a bunny castle – playground, they can be expensive but one of the best gifts in my opinion.

    Some other ideas are :
    A bunny mug
    Some nice bunny foraging toys
    Bunny treats ( you have to be extra careful on what your going to pick tho, not everything they sell is safe for them )
    An IKEA bed, most rabbits love them
    And lastly some nice metal or ceramic bowls.

  2. FantasyFanVII and Small Pet Select both have a lot of great options for buns and bun parents. I’d go with one of their toy sets.

  3. Rocklobsta9

    My buns love freeze dried banana slices no additional sugar added unlike banana chips.

  4. toxicfeelings

    Depending if your buns love flowers or forage mix, I suggest maybe a bunny tea (make sure it’s not hot)

  5. BlueBunnie5

    Cardboard cat house from Aldi, snuffle mat, cat tube, baby stacking cups

  6. Unlucky_Marzipan_590

    We got our bunny her favorite treats from the farm store. They’re called apple biscuits. But I also plan on giving her extra frozen blueberries to find in her foraging box. 🥰 merry Christmas

  7. Litlsuzzy

    My mom’s bunny likes freeze dried peas and carrots and mine love berries. I also got mine some all wood, untreated and unpainted baby rattles that I have yet to give them. They do like the little plastic ones they already have so I think the wood will be a hit.

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