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We turn every song into a song about the bunny because he is the center of the universe and everything is about him.

We turn every song into a song about the bunny because he is the center of the universe and everything is about him.

by dobeabsurd


  1. dobeabsurd

    For example:

    “It’s me, hi, I’m the bunny it’s me” (T Swift)

    “Here comes the bun, do do do do” (The Beatles)

    “Bunny bunny bunny, ain’t it funny, it’s a bunny world” (ABBA)

    I can’t turn it off. Yesterday my fiance and I went to see the musical Hadestown and before we made it to the car I was singing “Way down in bunnytown, bunnies hopping around.” Has anybody else’s bunny hijacked their brain in this way?

  2. ThermohydrometricVac

    The bunny, the bunny, whoa I love the bunny. I don’t love my momma or my daddy just the bunny. I don’t go to work, I don’t go to school, all that I can tell you is the bunny is cool.

  3. MathematicianGood204

    I’m so glad I’m not the only one who does this.. for my bunny and my puppy

  4. genshalene

    You’re so vain. You think this song is about you

  5. AvariceAndApocalypse

    It’s all ’bout the bunny

    It’s all ’bout the bun bun dummy dum bun

    We all think she’s funny

    And she’s cute every day!

  6. CoralSpringsDHead

    I sing my bun songs all the time.

    You are my bunshine, my only bunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey…

  7. When I was, a young bun, my bunner, took me into the city, to see a marching bun.

  8. wormbreath


    BUNNY just told me the world is gonna roll me

  9. aGlazedHam

    “She works hard for the *bunny*
    So hard for it, *bunny*
    She works hard for the *bunny*
    So you better treat her right!”

  10. BeginningLate2548

    I absolutely do this, too, and I’m so glad there are other people that do this.

  11. shelbs_225

    I love the picture with the giant couch-bed and the bun bun. He deserves this!!😊🩷🐰

  12. Shot through the heart, and you’re to blame, darling you give buns a bad name!

  13. 1. Our buns are twins! 2. We have one for the molting season: super fluff, super fluff, he’s super fluffy yeah! (Super Freak)

  14. Strict_Common156

    Of course, the bun is the center of the universe. All things revolve around the bun 🌞 🐰

  15. beeper1231

    Back in the ‘80s there were a couple dolls called my buddy and kid sister. Jingle went “my buddy, my buddy, wherever I go, you’re gonna go.” I sing “my bunnies, my bunnies, wherever I go, you’re gonna go.” My bun’s name is HoneyB, so of course I also sing her anything with “honey” in it (Honey, Honey, doo-doo doo-doo do do, ah sugar sugar, you are my honey bun)

  16. The_Septic_Shock

    He’s so precious! Handsome little bun <3

  17. mindelanowl

    My little guy is named Terry and we’ve changed the lyrics to that old song Sherry to match his name and it’s very cute. My little girl is named Artemis and we changed the lyrics to Fergalicious to match her name. Their brother/ sister song we made up for them is a riff of the song Bicycle built for two.

  18. Conscious-Draw-5215

    I love this so much! Center of the universe, as he should be!

  19. Mahatma_Panda

    I don’t have a bunny (I just really love them and this sub,) but I use my dog’s name and main nicknames to sing the melodies of songs. It’s really easy cuz his name is Dugan and his main nicknames are Doogie, Doogs, and Doog so like every word of the song is some version of his name, lmao

    Like the song “Mr. Sandman” goes “Oh mr sandman, bring me a dream…” but I change it to “Oh mr Dugan, doo-gie doog-doogs…”

    NGL, I sometimes hold his front paws and make him dance around with me while I’m singing.

  20. compobeachgirl

    This is why I joined this sub. I love you all so much! I don’t have my own bun – I live vicariously through you ( please don’t tell my cat!)

  21. The_Easter_Egg

    [*Bunny*](*, yesterday my life was filled with rain*

    *Bunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain*

    *The dark days are gone*

    *And the bright days are here*

    *My Bunny one shines so sincere*

    *Bunny one so true, I love you*

  22. PeterLemonjellow

    This is only right and proper behavior. We must always sing the praises of our Bunlords – literally.

    On a more serious note, though, we lost our Shelby – the first bun my SO and I adopted – back around April. He was sick for a long time before he left us and it was rough – his back legs were pretty much paralyzed at the end, so lots of cleaning and meds that he hated. My SO had the hard part of actually holding him, cleaning him, etc., and he would fight her so, so much (our boy had major trust issues). But he’d always calm down if I was there with them, singing to him. If I didn’t say anything for a while he’d start fighting again, so I’d start singing and he’d calm down and let himself be tended to. And I genuinely think it’s because, for all the amazing 7 years he was with us, I made sure to sing to him just… all the time, just like how you describe. I absolutely believe he knew that if papa is singing, then he must be safe.

    So, yeah – the singing is important.

  23. morteamoureuse

    I like big BUNS and I cannot lie
    You other brothers can’t deny
    That when a bun hops in with an itty bitty head
    And a round butt in your face

  24. I’m a Bunny boy in the Bunny world

    Life with nanners, I need manors

    You can brush my fur, zoomie I’m a blur

    Imagination, life is your creation

    Come on, Bunny, let’s go party

    I’m a Bunny boy in the Bunny world

    Life with nanners, I need manors

    You can brush my fur, zoomie I’m a blur

    Imagination, life is your creation

    (~~Barbie Girl~~ Bunny Boy by Aqua)

  25. summoningBot

    we have one which is based on the chorus to mambo number 5:

    he likes a bit of parsley, in his bowl

    he likes a bit of celery, in his bowl

    he likes a bit of coriander in his bowl

    he likes a bit of everything, in his bowl

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