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I found this brown thing in my bunnies cage. What is it, should I be worried?

I found this brown thing in my bunnies cage. What is it, should I be worried?

by Vickepedia


  1. alexann23

    Could be a malformed cecotrope. Lots of issues here. That food isn’t at all suitable for rabbits; they should never have seeds. I’m also concerned that you keep them in a cage- bunnies don’t belong in cages! That’s like putting a goldfish in a bowl. Vet time.

  2. Hananners

    I second the other person talking about what you’re feeding your bun. Please get them a more appropriate form of pellet, like Oxbow if it’s available to you. It’s incredibly important for buns to have the right amount of fibre and nutrients in their diet.

  3. CuriousGirlie85

    The food you’re feeding them is not good for them. That looks like diarrhea please check out Lennon the bunny on YouTube for a proper diet video

  4. kaylinnic

    I’ll throw a non-illness option out there since this is so close to the food bowl – are you sure it came out of your rabbit and it’s not just pellets that got wet? They expand and look weird when you add water.

  5. AureliaCottaSPQR

    Thank you for taking in this bunny. The r/rabbits sub has a bot which has lots of info for new owner – including what to feed him/her.

  6. AureliaCottaSPQR

    I should add that even though this is not good bunny food – I would gradually switch it over. Bunnies have very delicate digestive tracks.

  7. Thank you for saving this bunny and being concerned!

  8. Classic-Effect-7972

    This is bunny diarrhea, I believe. I’m not a vet. It could be a failed cecatroph. I’m so sorry. Is your rabbit in pain? What are you feeding your rabbit? Is that birdseed along with pellets to the left in the pic? No offense, but these aren’t good foods for a rabbit. They’re harmful. Right now your bun likely needs to see a vet, where (s)he can be treated for this serious GI issue. After probable doses of Critical Care, you’ll be given instructions on what to feed from here on out. Hay should be like 75%-80% minimum of a rabbit’s daily diet; more if the bun is dealing with GI tract issues. Veggies per your vet’s advice, both in kind and amount. I’m so sorry.

  9. Ur bunny needs more hay and straw and less food coming from the supermarket 🙂
    Some comments wrote about “Lenon the Bunny” u rly should check this channel out when it comes to rabbit care and food!

  10. fluffypinkkitties

    YES you should be worried! Get them to the vet! They may not have proper nutrition or hydration and need some intervention.

    Edit – if you can’t get them to the vet can you get them some Critical Care ASAP!? It’s made by OxBow I believe. Secondly, is your bun drinking water? Give them water in a dish/bowl.

    Rabbits need UNLIMITED HAY! Pellets are not necessary, really. I feed my buns the value hay from Small Pets Select and they also get romaine lettuce which they love.

  11. Rabbits do not eat nuts and seeds.
    It’s hard to know that despite the pet stores selling those types of things and marketing them as rabbit food (especially dairy and rice products as well)

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