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Attention! Bunny at work

She works hard for the snacks

Attention! Bunny at work
byu/pinguineis inRabbits

by pinguineis


  1. RabbittingOn

    Busy, busy! She’s adorable and looks so soft…

    Did she flick any paper out? Our girl loves to throw things, so I gave her stacking cups. They regularly fly through the room 😁

  2. peroxidefauna

    Give her the WHOLE bonus. She works very hard and deserves every dollar!!!
    Edit: forgot word

  3. RheaRavissante

    Buns working harder than some people I know

  4. Elusive_Noodle

    Is it safe for rabbits to eat the recycled paper? I’d love to do this for my little guy but I know he’d eat the paper lol

  5. Vies-Nies

    I have a plastic bin set up as a dig box that one of mine liked for a while, then stopped bothering with. I had a random box with that same type of packing paper by the door, ready to get brought out to the recycling bin…and she wasted no time diving in and doing the same as your bun in that video.

    Needless to say, that box never did make it to the recycling bin.

  6. TheBigBadBlackKnight

    It ain’t much but it’s honest work

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