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henlo people, help me choose my halloween costume?🥹

henlo people, help me choose my halloween costume?🥹

by wiewnreen


  1. Afraid-Range8927

    i am so jealous your bun lets you put em in costumes !!! mine would never

  2. Warm_Jellyfish_8002

    Where did you get that strawberry one?

  3. I liked the frog one too but whichever she allows you to put on is what I’d choose. Lucky.

  4. DazzlingHistorian3

    Something about the frog makes me giggle. I love it.

    But I also really love the strawberry outfit. Mostly I’m jealous you can do this to your bun

  5. dummylera

    She looks great in all of them, I would say either the cute dress or the frog one! The others could work for christmas lol

  6. itcAnwezzy

    My rabbit won’t even allow me to put a napkin with holes for the ears to make a ghost costume 🥲🥲

  7. KyleKoffman

    A costume that looks like a Hershey’s cookies and cream wrapper?

  8. floflow99

    Either froggy ears or wizard hat, very spooky!

  9. MookieRedGreen

    Make him a little top hat and cane so he can be a magician lol

  10. noel_stella

    Frog 100%. The dress is fancy dinner outfit, with some gourmet hay and dried fruits for dessert. Maybe more for birthday party? And I’m so jealous that you can put costumes on your bun, my bun hates even his harness that he had to wear for vet visits and when we went to my mum’s, so we gave up, no more trips and we go to vet without the harness. Too much of a headache for everyone involved.

  11. milesdmorgan

    do you know the breed of this beautiful creature? also my vote is 110% the strawberry dress! 🍓 red is her colour.

  12. tinypotheadprincess

    The wizard hat, but make her a little dark velvet cape

  13. SkinnyBtheOG

    I lovee the last hat so much. How did you strap it on? Under the chin? Around the ears?

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