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How Do You Curb Your Want for More Rabbits?

I have two rabbits and I absolutely adore them. And I just want a whole bundle of them in my living room. šŸ˜­ I know it isnt possible right now.

I have thought about volunteering but I am allergic to Timothy Hay which most rescues use.

It just breaks my heart that there are rabbits in need and I wish to help them more. The only way I can think of helping them is giving them a home which again not possible. Any ideas?

by sonyaism


  1. IRockIntoMordor

    I’d adopt a million buns if I could. I love them so much. Yet I don’t even have one, only when I was growing up in my parent’s house.

    I totally feel you. I wanna give them all a happy place in exchange for some snuggles and a bit of shenanigans.

    Haven’t touched a bunny in 6 months since my local city farm went bankrupt. šŸ˜­šŸ˜­

  2. RazRiverblade

    “Get yourself a boyfriend that says no because rash decisions about animals are bad for the animals.”

    -My girlfriend

  3. littleteaforme

    Yes I have two one we rescued who started us off and then a couple years later we got a Lop as a baby. And I want another. Recently moved so they have their own room. Itā€™s very hard. I have had a text ready to go to the breeder asking about another, but Iā€™ve saved it. I dunno. I like the number three, but I can also see four, five, or six. I dunno I feel ya

  4. RedRedWine8

    Keep reminding yourself of all the bunny poop everywhere in your house. And all of the eaten Amazon boxes and cords. And the amount of baby gates needed for nearly every room šŸ˜Œ

    Also remind yourself how often you’ll tell your bunnies, “No stop it behave yourself” and the fact that they do not understand and can never understand. Oh the chaos

  5. andtheyhaveaplan

    Remember that bonding is war. Watching your bunnies be mean to another and lose a lot of fur is not for the faint of heart. It might even fail and you’ll have to live with two groups who want 100 % of your attention.

  6. Remind yourself that if you get more rabbit then you’ll have either spend more muns on treats or give the buns less and you can’t risk the latter

  7. PrudentBall6

    Can you wear gloves to touch the hay when volunteering? Or are you too allergicā€¦. Like to it in the aur

  8. floflow99

    Could you look into fostering? I fostered a bunny that I ended up adopting because she was sick and would never find a family. I had to keep her separated from my other bunnies but she was the most affective and amazing little girl I ever had. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

  9. cheese_plant

    I had four and it broke my heart when they left me and I feel like I’m not ready to get more yet.

  10. lasvegasbunnylover

    You don’t. We started with one, now we have five. Only a lack of space prevents enlargement of the tribe. We compensate by volunteering at the local bunny rescue

  11. unfortunateRabbit

    By telling my husband and then he, as the responsible adult in the relationship, explains to me the consequences of getting more rabbits.

  12. Medical-Funny-301

    My old man bunny Lucifer generally hates anything else that is alive. By some miracle, he accepted my big girl bunny, Luna. I don’t think such a miracle will happen again and I really don’t want to go back to the gates separating one part of my house from another, along with the fear that a bunny will break through the barrier and injure another.

    I wish I could adopt them all though…

  13. Kazaklyzm

    Um…. I’ve got 18 (9 of which are fosters)….living in my little house and I still fight the desire for more. A bigass bunny ranch where they’re all fixed and can roam in big covered and protected yards and live indoors when they want and get handfed treats and pats would be my dream. But then I remember I’m just one person and I don’t want to actually make my patient and loving husband completely bonkers. Maybe when we retire and with more planning. I just remind myself of the buns at home and my limited time currently. I know my current bunnies would strongly disapprove another one.

  14. Deeznutshagott3m

    get zyrtec and pursue that bunny rescue passion!

  15. Neither_Complaint865

    I know exactly how you feel. But now Iā€™m in trouble because I have two happy 6 yr old rescues, that we bonded and love each other a lot. Last Halloween I let my daughter adopt another baby bun who had just been fixed. She kept her in her room and then we tried to bind her to the pair. Over and over we tried and it didnā€™t work out. A month ago my daughter moved to University in another city and now we have a 1.5 yr old who wants to murder and eat the other older pair so they have to be separated and my younger one seems a bit sad and lonely and I feel immense guilt for having let her come live with us, when she might have already been in her forever home. And itā€™s not fair to the older pair who now have to be barricaded in the living room instead of having whole house to roam in.
    Iā€™m going to break it to my daughter this weekend and then start trying to find her a good home. I want all the buns in the world but theyā€™re super sensitive and donā€™t always adjust well.

  16. Jorge--George

    Just remember that bonding can be very hard to do and sometimes will lead to your rabbits getting injured or scratched up. For extenuating circumstances i ended adopting another rabbir and they were never able to bond and no I have to divide the original space in half and try and give both of them enough love. Sometimes trying to add a third bunny can break the existing to rabbits bonds

  17. I canā€™t stand the mess they make, it kills any cuteness for me. my Holland lop is messy and a super skilled escape artist and hole digger, sheā€™s a nightmare. My other rabbit is a charming little man.

  18. KyleKoffman

    Don’t. Our family _loves_ bunnies, and as a family member of 10 bunnies, believe me when I say: “Four bunnies at most. It’s an even number, means a friend for each other bunny, means only two bunny runs, means not a lot of clean up, (although, believe me when I say, there is still plenty of cleanup), but you definitely want to make sure each bunny gets along with one another.

  19. GoldRoutine7637

    You could foster bunnies. Many rabbit rescues do not have room and need people who will foster bunnies up for adoption. Usually the shelter will pay for all costs. Of course, you do take the risk of becoming a “foster fail” which means you fell in love and kept the bunny.

  20. CrystallinePhoto

    Cleaning up the constant poop and hay does the job for me.

  21. PeterMarieAndSandy

    Just look b’round at all the destruction the ones you already have have done. (usually doesn’t help)

  22. sodapopzero

    I had to make a promise to my partner not to bring home anymore furbabies cause of finances. The heart wants what the heart wants.

  23. Two-Complex

    I justā€¦got more. I have four in my living room. Only two like each other, so my whole living room is hay and x-pens. We donā€™t have company overā€¦ ever. Except family and a couple friends who understand my special brand of crazy. We had five bunnies at one time, but lost one so we are back to four.

  24. tdoottdoot

    I made the mistake of getting a dog instead šŸ„² (I love him, but damn I love how quiet and polite rabbits are in comparison!)

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