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Feel so awful 😞 My girl has fleas so we’ve had to take her blankets and stuffed animals away to wash and all her other stuff to be disinfected. I’m worried she’ll think she’s been bad and that’s why we’ve taken all her toys away 😢

Feel so awful 😞 My girl has fleas so we’ve had to take her blankets and stuffed animals away to wash and all her other stuff to be disinfected. I’m worried she’ll think she’s been bad and that’s why we’ve taken all her toys away 😢

by Thebunshouse


  1. GrilledCookies

    ” I’m incredibly itchy, and müther took my toys away. I don’t understand. Did I mention that I’m itchy?”

  2. PunishedWolf4

    I comfort and talk to my bun and reassure her it’s for her own good, even when she does get really upset I try to comfort her and let it pass

  3. Poor baby 🙁 You’re doing the right thing. Comfort and treats will get her through this c:

  4. JDolittle

    Poor baby 🥺

    Try giving her some toys that aren’t going to hold flees. Stacking cups, pellets in a toilet paper roll, hay in a slinky, a cardboard box to play in and chew on. That way, she has some temporary toys and isn’t just losing all her stuff while you clear out the flees.

  5. treesofthemind

    How did she get them?
    Rabbits don’t have them normally

  6. NickPookie93

    Poor thing 😞 do you have any cardboard for her to chew/throw around? What I also do when I clean my rabbits toys is get newspaper/notebook paper and make it into a ball for him to throw around

  7. LeftyRabbitGuy

    I had a dwarf lion head who had a favourite blanket. When we needed to wash it, he would sit by the laundry room door until he got it back. It was very cute.

  8. KSliceStealth

    Ah no, I’m so sorry. My rabbit had fleas (I believe I had unknowingly been around a dog that had them), and it really sucked. So much cleaning and laundry.
    Diatomaceous earth in any little corners you can’t vacuum easily. I didn’t put it anywhere the pets would be or I would step on however. Fleas live as eggs and larvae for so freaking long.
    I just sat there with a flea comb and a cup of warm soapy water and pulled them out. It’s gross, but satisfying to get them out. They die immediately in the soapy water.

  9. CrystallinePhoto

    Awww I can feel her sadness through the screen. Don’t worry little one, you’ll get through this soon!

  10. deepseabunnys

    You’re both doing so good! You have a brave girl.

    Obligatory PSA for anyone who wanders into this thread – certain mainstream flea treatments are deadly to rabbits. So if you’re treating your bun for fleas, make sure you do rabbit-specific research!

  11. MrsArmitage

    *playing in bunny’s head*

    All by myself

    Don’t wanna be

    All by myself


  12. CrackedCocobutt

    aww dont worry too much, with time and plenty of treats and head rubs shell be just fine, but yeah it is very hearts breaking to see our pet bunnies all down in the dumps🥲

    this is why im glad my current bunny boy seems to be particularly simple and dumb aha

    no matter what happens as long as he has pets and treats he always manages to keep on trekking on without a care in the world lol

    even when his previous litter mate that he was very bonded with passed away, my biggest worry was that he would get all depressed, but lo and behold he didnt act any different at all aha. There was a time where I wished he was a lil more emotionally intelligent like his passed litter mate, but now I wouldnt have him any other way, hes just a big dumb loving goofball of joy ahaha

  13. Huliganjetta1

    My girl has ear mites and I have to wash her blankets and toys twice a week she does get mad but once she gets them back all warm from the dryer she does so many zoomies and binkies

  14. datinggoskrrrrrrrrra

    you’re doing the right thing for this sweetheart, make sure you spoil her tons when she’s better then!

  15. Smooth-Adhesiveness5

    Give her a part of a banana 🍌and she will get over it.

  16. microknot

    Buns don’t know what punishment is which is why negative reinforcement for rabbits is not useful. She is not worried you are punishing her, the world has just changed and they never like that.

  17. CalCollegeGal

    I’ve battled fleas in my backyard for the past two months (feral cats being fed by people next door) and Mr. Bun was victimized, requiring a $$$ trip to the vet. He’s usually free roaming outside but until the weather turns colder he’s on prescription Revolution.

  18. ConstructionTasty902

    Wishing this little sweetie a fast recovery!

  19. Solid_Tackle6926

    Poor baby 🙁 sucks humans and bunnies have a language barrier and you can’t communicate why

  20. light7177

    Aww don’t worry, when she gets it all back, she won’t even remember. she’s so cute im in tears :’)

  21. Koalaluvs

    Use diatomaceous earth on your carpet and her toys! It will kill the flees and won’t harm her.

  22. No-Mechanic-5398

    OP how did your bun bun get fleas? Did you comb them out? I’m so sorry your bunny is so itchy!

  23. Meowopesmeow

    Lots of treats stat she looks so bummed out!

  24. missclaireredfield

    😭😭😭 poor baby bunny please give her at least ten kisses from me. And cuddles and pets and treats to show her she’s amazing and not a naughty bunny 🥹

  25. Unhappy_Addition_767

    My bunnies don’t give any F@csks about any of the toys I buy them. I think they’re broken. Hope your sweet baby gets less itchy soon!

  26. If it helps you feel less bad, just remember her memory of this will probably fade 100% when everything is back to normal. AFAIK they don’t hold grudges or remember “OMG mama, you took my blankets and toys and made me feel sad.” If anything she’ll be like “wait, my treat reception tripled recently, why am I getting a normal amount now?! Where are all my extra treats?!?!?” Lol. So you may have thumps in the future for the lack of sweet, unhealthy things.

    But I totally get it. I give my buns more treats when I have to cage them off (I free roam, but when I’m cleaning/moving or building furniture pieces or something) they love to be RIGHT UNDER my feet, so I close them off with a fence but feel so bad when they give me that LOOK with their PAWS on the FENCE saying “Mama, 😢 you don wike us anymoah? “. 😭 These rabbits know our weaknesses!! lmao

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