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Bad bunny (again)

So the bad boy I posted about the other day who ate all his brothers alfalfa hay now ate part of a $100 bill that my husband dropped ๐Ÿ˜ if anyone knows if this is somehow savable I would really appreciate it. Thanks everyone

by suziespends


  1. bongwaterbb

    exchange it at a bank maybe? the little verification guy is thankfully untouched so they should be able to verify and replace it

  2. onlyletters999

    Bring it to your bank and tell them the truth. I recently found some money in a puddle and there was a 5$ bill that was ran over and really beat up. No stores wanted to take it. I brought it to my bank , they tested it with a maker and gave me another 5$. They send bills past their prime to the Federal Reserve to be destroyed.

  3. CoralSpringsDHead

    Bunny Money!

    As long as you possess 51% of the bill with one fully intact Serial number, you can exchange the bill for a full one at your bank.

  4. EwokGirl89

    I would seriously cry! $100 for me is a missed meal!

  5. suziespends

    Okay Iโ€™ll go to the bank tomorrow and hope for the best. But if thereโ€™s a next time my bad boy better only find a $1.00 bill ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

  6. Entire-Discipline-49

    I just got my new birth certificate in the mail this week because bunbun got up on some furniture and ate my last name off mine ๐Ÿ˜„

  7. suziespends

    Theyโ€™re such little stinkers, always want what they canโ€™t/shouldnโ€™t have

  8. 3nditallpls

    You can try the bank and if that doesnโ€™t work i seen that you can request replacement of burned, ripped or damaged money by contacting the bureau of engraving (i think they work under the us treasury department) not sure.

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