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Baby Bunny Baby Rabbit

OMG! saving a screaming baby rabbit Catching a screaming baby rabbit! Bunny making noise videos

@rabbitsfarms #rabbits


  1. There was a whole bnuuuy village there! It's surely unusual to have white bnuuuuuuuys outside of snowy regions. Those bnuys must have pet bnuuuuuuuuuuuuys in their ancestry.

  2. From what I've seen, females will deliberately put their young into a burrow like that, and cover the opening. They have plenty of air, for the short time she's gone.

  3. Dal je tebi jasno šta im radiš. Na silu ih izvlačiš iz njihovog doma. Neznalice se nesmiju u prirodu miješati.

    Moram nerado reči, ali tako rade idioti, a to što si bezopasan i ne činiš loše prirodi; pa več si učinio.

  4. Saved from what? Mother rabbits dig holes and keep their babies under ground. They open the hole to feed them and then bury them again. They were safe under the dirt. That’s perfectly normal wild bunny behavior

  5. You did not save them. That’s how baby bunnies are raised in the wild. Their bellies were still full and they were in a burrow that Momma dug to hide them from predators. Momma returns after dark to feed them. Their milk is very thick and rich so they only need to be fed once a day. Now you are the predator.

  6. Mother rabbits cover their nest hole up to hide their babies and won't stick around the nest until it's time to feed them….They were probably crying for nursing time..They looked very healthy.

  7. I’d be screaming too if some huge hand came to grab me out of my nest. Hope they went to good homes or released safely back into the wild elsewhere. Bunnies are just the sweetest ❤️

  8. Why didn’t it occur to you to put the camera down so you could use both hands?
    You could’ve just propped it up somewhere nearby or worn it or something.

  9. I stopped watching this video after I witnessed a rabbit screaming which being grabbed by their feets so thumb down.

  10. If its to place them in a better place I wouldnt mind but they were perfectly fine in their home

  11. You didn't "save" them. You literally removed them from their home, very aggressively. People like you are literally the worst kind.

  12. I do question your method a bit, grabbing them by their legs like that risked harming them. However, something that appears to have been lost on a few of the commenters here: they are clearly the offspring of a domestic rabbit, likely a mother rabbit dumped into the wild by some callous person. Healthy though they may look, they would surely have died out there since they're not camoflagued nor do they have all of the instincts wild rabbits do, and they are also larger and heavier than wild rabbits, which means they can't run as fast as their wild cousins. Easy pickings for any predator looking for a fast meal – proved, as you said in reply to other comments, since cats were lurking around waiting to pick them off. Ultimately, what you did was kinder than leaving them be. I hope you managed to find the mother too.

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