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Update: Rapunzel barely fits in the skillet any more but she still sleeps there nearly every day. Bonus pic of her mostly-blind sister stealing the magic skillet for an epic nap.

Update: Rapunzel barely fits in the skillet any more but she still sleeps there nearly every day. Bonus pic of her mostly-blind sister stealing the magic skillet for an epic nap.

by enmaku


  1. lover-obread

    This might be my favorite post on this subreddit so far

  2. NicoFar22

    Is she a Flemish? She has the same face as my boy(only hers is a little narrower)

  3. MegamuffinChip

    It is truly unfair how adorable she is 🥰

  4. thatneedtobreathe

    Omggg what a cutie! It must feel cool for her

  5. Picture 3, then picture 1. Tiny girl, then that sad face, “Why don’t I fit anymore”.

  6. deadnations_

    wait thats your bun? pic 2 is saved on my phone i think its so cute lol

  7. They look so happy. It makes me wonder if I should offer my bunnies a skillet to lay in!

  8. TwilightConcious

    She’s browning nicely! Toasty buns for toasty bun ❤️

  9. not_a_mutant

    My grandparents had a barn cat that liked to sleep in an old skillet because it would get warm in the sun. Clearly you have found a long lost relative.

  10. VinnieGognitti

    A skillet 😂😂😂 this is such a “bun” place to nap.

  11. Dry_Dimension_4707

    I have a favorite skillet I sleep in as well. So comfy.


    Well it looks like your loaf has risen

  13. pleakley_

    Oh my god, each of these pics are gold! So much cuteness!

  14. damiana8

    Why would you bake your bread in a pan that’s clearly too small?

  15. VioletaBlueberry

    The last one is too adorbz. This is the best use of a cast iron pan I’ve ever seen. I’d be so tempted to add some greens to the pan.

  16. mpinnegar

    Domestic bunnies clearly have no survival instincts lol

  17. I think you burnt your bunny! She’s all blackened at the end!

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