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Rate my loaf

Rate my loaf

by gnatTrap


  1. LeafMumfuzz

    I mean there’s only a few ratings for bunnies’.



    -I’m in a ldr with your bunny/10

    if it isnt one of these, are you a bunny person??

  2. Acceptable-World-175

    Solid 14/10! Beautiful loaf. πŸ₯°πŸ°

  3. Shalerb93

    10/10 would bake into a cake πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

  4. Andromeda_900

    No shade but your bun kinda looks like that one Spanish royality whose family was inbreeding so much, that he started to look like one of the most uncanny human on this planet.

  5. Significant_Dream_38

    10/10 the only acceptable rating for buns.

  6. im_here_official_art

    11/10 for the little side fluffsies

  7. superjackalope

    12/10 most people don’t remember to let it cool like that

  8. Professional-Bowl413

    no feets no tail,
    I would give it 9.50/10 because one ear isn’t loafing

  9. WinterRedWolf

    9.6/10, two points deducted for improper ear positioning and somewhat untidy fur, but points regained for cloud-likeness and levitational ability.

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