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New Bunny Mom! Tips & advice on settling in?

They are a bonded sister pair 👯‍♀️. I just adopted them yesterday from a rescue. I want to make sure I’m doing everything I can to get them settled in properly. 💕

They’re eating, drinking, sleeping just fine, and already have gotten the zoomies a few times lol. However, I noticed one of our girls is trying to burrow in their cage. It is very cute, but when I googled it, it said it can be a sign of stress?

Is there anything I can do to make them less stressed? Quiet household, AC always on, fresh veggies all day, and I’ve been leaving them alone for the most part so they can settle in and so I do not overwhelm them. However, I’ve still been talking to them and giving them light pets here and there.

Per my Amazon order, they have toys and hideouts and new water bowls on the way!

They are the cutest, softest little girls and I am very happy to be their momma! I want to make sure I do the best I can. 💕

by throwthis_awaypls


  1. throwthis_awaypls

    Also wanted to mention our buns will be free roam! I keep the cage open and Hazel leaves the cage and explores, but Pretzel does not leave the cage yet. I’m sure that’ll come with time 💕

    Very fast update!! Both are free roaming now! Running and hopping around the house. I’m in love! 🥹

  2. kragzazet

    Digging behavior is normal! If the burrowing is making a mess you can provide more blankets on the floor of the pen for her to push around or get a litterbox with taller walls to contain it better. The hay should go inside the litterbox too; they’re grazers so they like to eat and poop at the same time. With that config they’re just gonna sit in the hay-filled box a lot 😅

    Veggies don’t need to be unlimited. The rule is 2 cups of chopped vegetables per 4 pounds of body weight per day per bun. To start warming them up to you, feed their daily pellets and vegetables out of your hand instead of a bowl!

    They look lovely! You should go over the new owner primer on wabbitwiki:

    It seems you’re super well-prepared and well-informed already, but wabbitwiki can be really helpful to give background information on behavior & biology. Browse around some of the random articles there for fun!

    And if you find yourself with a lot of little questions, feel free to join the discord server attached to this subreddit to share more pictures of these cuties and chat with people real-time about bunny stuff!

  3. Great-Sort7053

    When I first got my rabbit I bought the exact same litterbox, and while it works, over time they will start to smell. If you get a litterbox with a cover over top it will help trap the smells and keep your place smelling better. I got a litterbox designed for cats and just took the flappy door off so she can get in and out easier. Best of luck!

    Edit: also get some water bowls not those gravity feeders, rabbits can’t use those super effectively

  4. They’re already flopping, which is a great sign! I’d recommend laying out a few old towels or blankets in their enclosure. Buns also dig because it’s an instinct. A towel gives them something to rearrange and play with. Just a bit of extra stimulation!

    Other than that, they just need time. They’re in a new environment with new sounds and new smells. Clearly, you’re doing everything with their comfort at the forefront. Good luck with these cuties!

    ETA: also, you can place their hay in the litter box. Buns tend to poop when they eat, so it will be more convenient for them. Also also, they don’t need fresh veggies all day, just as a breakfast and dinner thing. Hay is the bulk of the diet for a bun.

  5. alienlady

    Do away with the water bottles and get a large bowl that they cannot flip. The nozzles on those harbor bacteria, as well it being an unnatural way for rabbits to drink which can lead to dehydration. Get some soft blankets for them gals to snuggle with. Congrats on the new babies.

  6. BlazeBitch

    Other folks have covered pretty much everything I can think offf, so I’ll just say be prepared to forfeit all material possesions to bnunny

  7. janne5050

    Good that they have sticks. But maybe hand them out little by little, so they have something to occupy themselves with. If possible, harvest apple branches from people when they’re pruning the trees. Also keep the leafs, as they’re delicious fresh or dried.

  8. Make sure to sleep with a net around your bed. It’s not well known, but rabbits can fly and have been known to attack sleeping humans who do not provide enough treats. The net won’t stop them completely, but it will wake you up in time to get to the store to buy bananas. Always have a healthy supply of bananas on hand.

  9. BinCestCaLa

    Where is their hidey box?

    Join the House Rabbit Society group on FB 😉

  10. Mohave_Reptile

    Plastic – split wire loom for your electrical/electronic cords

  11. chupirose

    Congratulations! They look pretty settled 🐰❤️🐰

  12. Rickys8dollartenders

    Check out “Sincerely Cinnabun” on YouTube to learn all you’ll ever need to know

  13. Big-Manner1147

    You go girl! Thank you for adopting🐰🐰

  14. Sir_Chirpsalot

    I would recc changing to water bowls, since they’re easier for bunnies. Other than that this looks great!

  15. StrawberryRaspberryK

    Watch out for the bunnies chewing on electrical cords. My dwarf loved the live ones. So dangerous! My neighbour would tape them down on their floorboards so their bunny cant get to them.

  16. Classic-End-5505

    They’re going to own you. They ready.

  17. throwingrocksatppl

    You seem to be doing great! The comment abt towels / blankets is a great idea. One of our buns loves her blanket so much that she cuddles with it and tucks herself in haha

  18. pete-_-king

    Curly Kale. They love that stuff. Also, they are lovely.

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