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Why does he do this? Please help I can’t f**kin live like this anymore

Why does he do this? Please help I can’t f**kin live like this anymore

Why does he do this? Please help I can’t f**kin live like this anymore
by u/Ok_Entrepreneur_5942 in Rabbits

by Ok_Entrepreneur_5942


  1. Hollow4004

    My rabbit did this when there wasn’t enough good hay in his box, try keeping it super full and see if that helps.

    If not, get a taller litterbox (assuming he’s not an older guy) that he had to jump into to use.

  2. AcidShAwk

    My Millie does this occasionally. Or tries to. I placed a ramp to get into the litter box and have the ramp just over the edge.. So she can’t claw anything out. She gave up after that.

  3. Andrea_frm_DubT

    That rabbit is digging. Pushing the dirt is normal when digging a burrow.

    Are you 100% your rabbit is male? Digging burrows is more of a female behaviour.

    I’d recommend putting the litter box within a larger tray and getting an additional digging box or providing a safe outdoor space with access to dirt to dig a proper burrow.

    The excessive digging could also be a boredom/stress thing, so more toys/activities and more hides may also be needed

  4. Never had this issue until our 2nd rabbit that is a lop. I came home and all the litter and poops were dug out… all of it. I went through different options, adding a plastic grate cover, metal grate and litter box, etc. The best I have found is this [litter box]( It has a grate that allows poops to go through and prevents digging. Also our rabbit is a senior and it is easy to hop in and comfortable for him. Other similar litter boxes have grates with holes too small that poops don’t go through or has a border around the inside where pee can collect. I feel your pain and frustration. Sometimes rabbits just rabbit and we have to adapt. Good luck!

  5. Pigeon-Bath-Party

    This is just an example, but maybe look into a sifting litter box like [this?](

    You could just fill the top part with hay though and put the litter pellets at the bottom. And as others said, look into enrichment. Maybe bunny needs some cardboard pieces to throw and chew, some butcher paper to toss around, or maybe some extra cuddles.

  6. Former_End_297

    Mine always does this when she wants it changed or it’s too old or it’s too dirty or something’s wrong with the hay

  7. Make a grate to put inside his litter box. I did that for my bunnies

  8. Grizzlyfrontignac

    My rabbit did this a lot when she arrived at our house. What we did was simply take out all the litter and replace it with newspaper. And put a hay feeder on top. She has never gone back to digging because she doesn’t see the newspaper as something she has to dig. She simply goes potty and leaves. Obviously this means we have to clean her litter box more often because the newspaper doesn’t absorb everything. But it’s very easy to pick up and dispose of.

  9. External_Arugula2752

    To keep this from happening I bury a cookie cooking rack just under the littler- after running into it a few times my digging bunnies stopped! and now they have a box with a cat-scratching corrugated cardboard rectangle in it for digging exercises 😊🐇

  10. Alarming-Platypus523

    My rabbit hates pooping on her poop and always moves it. I change her box 3 times a day

  11. Medical-Funny-301

    I think it’s fun for them and also a natural digging/burrowing activity. My 9 year old male bunny has done this all his life. He makes such a mess but I find it cute that he still has so much energy. It’s a little embarrassing to have people over because it looks like I live in a barn most of the time.

    Sorry, no advice, just know that you’re not alone lol.

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