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Vaccuum recommendations?

I’m bunny sitting 6 free roam buns for my coworker for the next few weeks and along with my 4 free roam bunnies there is a lot of poop to clean, especially since the ones I’m sitting are marking their new territory (my office)😅

Does anyone have a recommendation for a good Vaccuum with strong enough suction and one that won’t clog every 2 seconds that I could get just for cleaning up after the buns?

by taschasaurus


  1. PrudentBall6

    Get a dyson cordless the purple one OR the shark brand equivalent. Any cordless one that u dump without the bag is quick n easy

  2. Mohave_Reptile

    A Shop-Vac brand shop vacuum. Try Craigslist for a secondhand one with low use.

  3. NoBite7871

    I thought about using Shark Cordless Handheld Vacuum UltraCyclone Pet Pro Plus (on Amazon) cause it’s what we use at work and it works well!

  4. Lac_of_som_knowledge

    SIX BUNNIES, don’t get me wrong, that is like a dream come true to bunnysit six sweeties, your coworker better be paying for the vacuum and all the cleaning products

  5. I had bagless shark, it had a cord. It sucked up poop, hay, fur! One click to empty. Got it at big lots! Not expensive

  6. Can’t beat a dyson, they can actually deal with the hay.

  7. Can’t beat a dyson, they can actually deal with the hay.

  8. lover-obread

    10 BUNNY WARREN oh wow good luck! Sorry this isn’t a vacuum rec I just wanted to express my awe at so many bunnies in one place!

  9. Acceptable-World-175

    I have 2, a Dyson cordless for quick pick ups, and a Dyson small ball for regular vacuuming. Both are good at small debris, and the corded one is great for fur (it has anti hair rollers) but both are crap for hay! 😆

  10. Redirxela

    I have a green Bissell Powerforce that I’ve been using for 3 years with no issues. My roommate has a cordless Shark and my $50 vacuum picks up more bunny hair than the Shark does

  11. BananaEclipse

    More rabbits might work or maybe a golden retriever?

  12. TheRedmanCometh

    I got a 5HP shop vac off amazon. The vacmaster vbv1210.

    It might be a bit overkill, but it can suck hay up which is why I got it. When I clean the hutch I can just suck all the hay and bedding up, disinfect, put new bedding.

    In my experience a conventional vacuum is not going to get that done. A shop vac was definitely the way to go.

    When it’s full you just dump it into a trash bag.

  13. BISSELL 2254 CleanView Swivel Rewind Pet Upright Bagless Vacuum

    I’ve had it for 4 years now and it picks up (small pieces of) hay, fur and poops.

    I’ve only watched my 2 bun nieces and the territorial marking was out of control. I can’t imagine 6 extra!!! They’re all so cute though.

  14. Least_Signature7879

    I use a broom & dust pan, send the roomba out & finish up with a Kirby

  15. Clashalicious

    I aspire to have this many bunnies in my home. I will be the Crazy Bunny Lady :’) <333

  16. MySillyHamster

    Anyone else see a koala when they first glanced at the first photo?

  17. simsim7842

    Totally off topic but how do all the bunnies get along? I tried to introduce my bun to one bun and that was a disaster

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