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Baby Bunny Baby Rabbit

Rabbit wakes up owner by freaking out in the night!

A tiny, pet bunny rabbit comes up on the bed to nuzzle his human owner in the middle of the night. The free roam rabbit explores the bed, as he likes to do, then, all of a sudden, the rabbit gets scared by something and freaks out, jumping over the girl! We will give the rabbit the benefit of the doubt and assume he was trying to go fight whatever it was that scared him and protect his human! 🙂 The rabbit was on high alert for a few minutes until he calmed down again.

We wonder what scared him – maybe a car going by, maybe a random bird chirping, or maybe a passing ghost. Who knows? But please, not a ghost!

For background, the free range rabbit comes up on the bed every night. If it’s a good night, he will nuzzle and burrow under his human’s hand or leg, to simulate being pet, and just go to sleep. Most of the time he won’t even wake her. If it’s a bad night, the rabbit will jump all over the human, begging for food, until she gets up and gives him a snack. By then she is usually quite irritated, so she closes the door to the bedroom so he cannot immediately run back in and repeat the same process over again as soon as he finishes eating. 🙂

It’s hard to believe, but it’s true – this was the first time we attempted to record the bun in the middle of the night. He always comes up around 2:00 AM, then again in the morning, right before the human’s alarm clock. The human and rabbit go to sleep around 11:00 PM, and we always assumed that it would be too dark to capture anything on video and, by 2:00 AM, the camera would be out of memory, anyway. To try and overcome the darkness issue, we put a light neat the camera. To overcome the memory issue, we just said a prayer. Given all of these potential problems, actually capturing the rabbit’s nightly adventure was a very happy surprise! We hope that him being scared like that is a very rare occurrence, however!

Thank you for watching! 🙂

