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Is he depressed? Or just chilling?

When my sis first got him he would be very active at nights. To the point where you couldn’t sleep because there was just too much noise caused from blinking and knocking over toys. It’s been like 1-2 years now and I’ve noticed he’s like this everyday. Legs out which tells me he’s relaxed but head down makes him look very sad. His ears are up so he’s alert. I’ve been staying up later since I’m job searching at the moment and have free time and he doesn’t run around anymore. If you have treats he’ll still get excited and run to you. His poop looks like a decent shape. My sis and her bf have talked about getting another bunny for company but that was months ago and it doesn’t look like it will happen any time soon. Am I just a worried uncle 😆?

by FlashOnImpulse

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