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Bunny Rabbit

Pet rabbit meets wild rabbit for the first time

Blanc de Hotot meets Cottontail for the first time. Two different species.


  1. I had pet rabbits for my then small children , one escaped but was brought back by our Labrador… sadly he brought back with him myxomatosis and the consequences were heartbreaking. We lived right on the edge of the forest thinking we lived in a safe environment ……the disease was introduced by the government so it would hit anywhere !

  2. That's how we got foot and a half long pet rabbit mixing with wild rabbits. They came out light brown with white spots and larger than normal. Or small looking like gray and white with brown spots. They were here for 3 years. Now, the regular wild rabbits are back. But these are black and white patches.

  3. Due to a very contagious and lethal wild rabbit virus, introducing pet with wild lapins is not a good thing.

  4. I think it is best that the domestic rabbit is bigger. Frankly, in a fight the wild rabbit has the toughness but the size would balance it out.

  5. It IS super cute, but not a good idea, because wild animals of any type can carry diseases and parasites you wouldn't want your pet to have.

  6. I’m okay with the domestic rabbit. It’s the Jack Rabbits that I have a problem with

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