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Bunny Rabbit

Vegetables and Fruits That Will Kill Your Rabbit

Just because rabbits are herbivores, it doesn’t mean they can eat all varieties of vegetables, fruits, and greens.
In this video, we will talk about the most common foods that should never be fed to rabbits.

Avocados contain a toxic substance called persin, which is perfectly safe for human, but can cause serious health problems — even death — in many animals including rabbits.
Chocolate is an absolute no-no for rabbits. As with dogs and cats, chocolate has no place in your bunny’s diet. The sweet treat is incredibly toxic to rabbits because it contains theobromine and caffeine.
Iceberg Lettuce
While there are some varieties of leafy, dark lettuces, like romaine, that make wonderful staples in a well-balanced rabbit diet, light-colored lettuces, like iceberg, contain a substance called Lactucarium that can be harmful to rabbits. Lactucarium is not usually harmful in small amounts, but a large portion of iceberg lettuce could cause diarrhea and physical weakness.
Iceberg lettuce also contains mostly water and will add no nutritional value to a rabbit’s diet.
Rabbits should not eat any type of mushroom. Wild mushrooms are particularly dangerous, but even store-bought mushrooms should not be fed to rabbits.
Meat, fish and eggs
Although this shouldn’t come as a surprise, rabbits are herbivores, meaning that they eat plants, and should never be offered meat, fish or eggs.
Make sure to avoid feeding your bunny any product containing animal-derived proteins such as meat, eggs or chicken.
Raw Onions, Leeks, and Garlic
Onions, garlic, leeks and all herbs from the Allium family are toxic and can cause serious health problems to rabbits as well as many other animals. These vegetables will destroy a rabbit’s red blood cells.
Fruit Seeds
Although small amounts of many fruits are safe for rabbits to eat, the seeds and pits of many fruit varieties contain small amounts of cyanide, which can be toxic to your little pet.
Pears and apples are the most notorious examples, but the pits from peaches, apricots, plums, cherries, and mangos also contain cyanide, which is fine in small doses, but will make your pet sick if they are repeatedly fed these pits.
For safety’s sake, keep your rabbit far away from seeds and pits.
Dairy products
Even though it is common to see image of rabbits drinking milk in picture books and cartoons, you should not give rabbits milk to drink.
Even baby rabbits should not be fed cow’s milk.
All parts of the rhubarb plant are toxic to rabbits. This vegetable contains a compound called oxalic acid, which can interfere with calcium absorption and lead to unpleasant side effects.
Eye catchy pet-store treats and pellet mixes
Oftentimes, many treats and pellets sold at the pet-store are far from healthy for rabbits. Many of them include harmful ingredients such as yogurt, seeds, corn, nuts and legumes. Some also have colorful pieces with a high amount of added sugar in them.
Raw Potatoes
Before being cooked, potatoes contain a poisonous substance called solanine which is toxic to rabbits.
Fruits and vegetables
Most fruits and vegetables such as bananas, carrots, pineapples, peaches, and grapes are safe for rabbits to eat, but only in very small amounts as occasional treat. These foods are not toxic, but have high sugar content which can lead to weight grain, obesity and could cause an imbalance in the rabbit’s digestion.
As a rule of thumb, an approximate amount of fruit to feed your rabbit is one teaspoon per 2 pounds of body weight per day.
Even though rabbits are herbivores, there are some house plants that can be toxic to them when ingested.
Among the most toxic plants are Daffodils, Ivy, Lilies, Aloe Vera, and Golden Pothos.
Kidney Beans and Broad Beans
Legumes, including peas, beans, and lentils, should never be fed to rabbits.
Chilli Peppers
Rabbits can eat almost all types of bell peppers – green, yellow, red, or purple. However, hot peppers such as the Jalapeno, Cayenne, or Habanero shouldn’t be fed to rabbits as their digestive system is sensitive to hot and spicy foods.
Bread, Pasta, Cookies, and Cereals
The problem with these highly processed foods is that they are loaded with sugar and carbohydrates which can lead to abnormal stools, abdominal discomfort, and dysbiosis.
Likewise, muesli-style foods shouldn’t be fed to rabbits.
Remember, rabbits’ digestive systems are designed to process high-fiber diet. This is why a rabbit’s daily diet should be made up of mostly hay, a small amount of fresh vegetables, and a limited number of pellets.
Olives have a high sodium content which makes them dangerous for rabbits to eat if consumed in large amounts.
Hamster Food
Hamsters and rabbits are two different species, and they have different food requirements.
Hamster food is designed to meet the nutritional requirements of an omnivore, whereas rabbit food is designed to meet the need of an herbivore.


  1. I 😢 never do that but it’s just like the one thing It’s like carrots or the right thing is it the best ❤ 🎉 lettuce

  2. You can't feed bunnies kale it will give the painfull gass first thing that pops up on Google just saying

  3. Rabbit's milk is very high in fat content, much more than even full fat cow's milk.
    Carrot shoots are much better for your rabbit than carrot roots, which are better for us. Also, many fruit and veggie peels are things that rabbits enjoy that we won't necessarily. The difference is that rabbits are much better at digesting fiber than we are.
    Also, don't feed your rabbit pellets only. They're made from alfalfa, which causes rabbits to gain weight. Instead, give them only a certain amount per day, then make up their bulk food with green hay. Timothy hay works well.

  4. We give ours dandelions a lot, I’d love to give her clover but I’m always worried I might pick the wrong plant by accident. Also who in the fuck would give any pet chocolate

  5. thanks a LOT for this TOTALLY useful information and to be TOTALLY honest i did do and/or PROBABLY will SOMEWHAT like rabbits

  6. Idk why but the guy saying chili peppers made me laugh so much. Who's trying to feed their bunnies hot peppers??

  7. My sister's Bunny lives in my chicken coop because it gets bullied by the other rabbits and I need to keep all the chicken food away from the bunny because it contains corn nuts and wheat and other products that are per specifically for chickens not bunnys

  8. My bunny scratched me a lot and when he is hungry he rushes so fast like sonic but he is so cute he bites my cousins fingertips but she doesn’t care

  9. I’ve had a rabbit for about 10 months, it’s about to turn 1 year old. It’s lived on baby spinach, banana pieces, apple slices, orange slices, pellets, and grass. So far he’s healthy as heck!!

  10. I fed my rabbits red lettuce , broccoli , apple for snacks and unlimited hay for 10 yrs and they are still here my rabbits are mixed breed they tend to live longer than pure breed rabbits .

  11. Wait wait wait why does mine eat lettuce then plus it has water and plus my rabbit doesnt drink that water so much so lettuce is so recommended for mine i guess by the way i mean only lettuce not the one ur talking about

  12. Basically; if someone makes a joke that you’re eating rabbit food… it’s more than likely good for you pet bunny

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