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Her first banana

Her first banana

Her first banana
by u/Alternative-Fail-233 in Bunnies

by Alternative-Fail-233


  1. Fabulous_Kale_2718

    Every bunny should get to experience the nanna at least once in their sweet lifetime

  2. Acceptable-World-175

    Oh, such pure joy! One of my buns took 8 months before she’d try banana, now she goes nuts for it. 😂🐰🥰

  3. Redschallenge

    My girl started getting hesitant around nanner slices because I used to sneak her antibiotics on there 🙁

  4. throwawaymyalias

    My buns love this product:


    After opening I keep the bag in the refrigerator, because they really like cold and crunchy treats.

    (Only give one chip, though, and only once or twice a week as buns shouldn’t be eating sweets. Also, I’ve read about bunnies choking on fresh banana, but they won’t choke on these chips as they have to nibble on them to eat.)

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