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Why does she tilt her head up when I pet her?

Why does she tilt her head up when I pet her?

Why does she tilt her head up when I pet her?
by u/angxlic_dxnut in Rabbits

by angxlic_dxnut


  1. My boy does that too- probably letting you know they want to be patted.

  2. Copterwaffle

    It’s her way of saying “aawwwww yeaaaaah that’s the spot”

  3. CoolVaper420

    She’s trying to make it easier for you to pet her good spots

  4. She’s situating herself to receive the best pets she can get!!

  5. KountryKitty

    Between rabbits, licking from just above the nose to just above the eyes is a soothing form of social grooming. She’s lifting her head to get you to rub the same area.

  6. doorknoblol

    It’s their way of saying “awww, yeah.” “that’s the spot.”

  7. I love it. Love love looooooooove when Eloise does this. It makes me kiss her forehead.

  8. HotSoulCrusher

    Leo does that but as soon as I stop I get a look.
    “I’ll luk when u r done!”
    So I keep petting💕🐰

  9. NectarineQueen13

    She’s more so insisting you continue z pets

  10. DirectlyTalkingToYou

    Mine will lower her head. They probably do it to position their fav spot under where you’re petting.

  11. Murmaider5150

    Cus she loves the head scratches 😊 cute bun btw

  12. chesser45

    Our younger one is entirely a snout petter. You pet the snout and you get a increasingly vertical mouf and often shell push the hand doing the petting upwards to tell us to do more.

  13. OracleCam

    She likes the pats and wants them, you must be a good petter

  14. ShotMammoth8266

    She says “yes, hoomin. Pet me right *there* “

  15. Zonizthefrog

    Because she’s a sweet little angel that’s why

  16. Living_Use_1778

    My girl does that when she sees me, she’s ether asking for pets or treats, ether way, a happy bun 🙂

  17. brightvirgo

    my baby does this too!! they’re enjoying the pets 🥰

  18. nuuskamuikunen

    My bun does this because her nose is her most favourite place to be scratched. If I’m petting her somewhere else she’ll tilt back her head to be like NO THE NOSE. THE NOOOOOSE

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