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Some people say I have too many rabbits, I look at them and say “they are my children”. This is my newest member of the family, his name is Taro! I adopted him last week ❤️

Some people say I have too many rabbits, I look at them and say “they are my children”. This is my newest member of the family, his name is Taro! I adopted him last week ❤️

by antarctic_aurora


  1. AutoModerator

    This post was detected as a new bunny announcement.

    Congrats on the new addition(s) to the family! If these are your first pet rabbit(s) and you haven’t seen it already, be sure to check out [our sidebar]( and the [Getting Started]( guide and [New Rabbit Owner Primer]( The article [“Helping Rabbits Succeed in Their Adoptive Home”]( is also a great resource on how to build a relationship with your new rabbit.

    If you brought home two or more baby rabbits, please be prepared to have **separate housing** areas for each of them in case they do not get along in the future. See the FAQ [“My two bunnies used to be happily bonded, but now they are constantly fighting. What happened?”]( for details. It is especially important to separate out male rabbits after 10 weeks of age as they can impregnate a fertile female by then.

    *Please report this comment if it was posted in error.*

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  2. After-Bumblebee

    What a sweet little guy ❤️ may he have a long & happy life with you and your other rabbits

  3. bellamichelle123

    There can NEVER be too many rabbits. You never have enough!❤️✨

  4. RabbitRemi

    Beautiful bun! How many rabbits do you have ? (I have 5 😄)

  5. Crazy_bunnymom

    I’m one of them that says I have too many because one of my buns is a monster. Tearing down the walls, eating shoes, eating the houseplants, scaring me to death, climbing on things she shouldn’t’, growls when she don’t get what she wants, jump up onto lap to demand cuddles, steal food from the plates and this monster is 900 gram Netherlands dwarf bossing over 4 adult humans.

    I also have 3 other bunnies free roaming and a cat but the fourth bun is the most handful one that makes me go crazy.

    I hope your newest family member won’t be as bossy as my tiny free roaming girl. She’s too spoiled and she damn knows it 😑

  6. onlyletters999

    Wow 11 I can’t imagine. . I’m getting used to three now. They get along but there is jealousy. When I pet one, the other two run over and try to wedge their heads under my hand or the petteys head. And it’s hard evenly giving out food or treats to three bunnies with two hands. Whoever gets handed food first gets instantly smothered by the other two.

  7. justdontbesad

    Honestly as long as they’re all cared for well there is no such thing as too many buns.

  8. TwoWelshBunnies

    One can never have too many bunnies! He’s gorgeous! Congratulations!

  9. Johnlockcabbit

    >too many rabbits

    Hmm, I’ll have to decide whether it’s true or not. Please send me as many pictures as you can of all your rabbits

  10. bunnymom777

    Love bunnies and can’t stop adopting more 😉 friends are saying we are crazy but don’t care much. Indeed they are my children and don’t mind little chocolate chips 😉 and no holiday 😉 how do you cope with cleaning? I spend two hours to clean up their houses each day and 3 loads of washing. That is the hardest task but still love them 😉 hardest thing is bonding rabbits:( boys hate each other so much: (

  11. 98giancarlo

    I love rabbits, but they can’t compare to human babies in any way.

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