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The vet checking Bigwig’s butthole. Bigwig was not amused. “WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE?! HELP. ME.”

The vet checking Bigwig’s butthole. Bigwig was not amused. “WHY ARE YOU JUST STANDING THERE?! HELP. ME.”

by deltadelta199


  1. RogueViator




    He expected professional courtesy,

    As befitting a fellow doc,

    But all Bigwig got

    Was treated by a crock!


    They touched him like a commoner,

    They said a health inspection was the goal,

    Then they looked and poked and prodded

    Looking at his borthole!


    They touchied and palpated it,

    Like they were checking a ripe Tomato,

    While Bigwig’s fury building,

    Like a steaming hot potato.


    Then on top of this indignity,

    The Vet piled on more today,

    After the Borthole inspection,

    They then asked him to PAY!


    He did not even get a cookie,

    Or some other treat as recompense

    They just splayed him open,

    Without rhyme or medical sense.


    He could look on the bright side,

    Of this solemn mockery,

    At least the evil Vet

    Did not order a Colonoscopy.


    This has been a BNN Special Borthole Editorial.

  2. That’s a surprised face just not sure whether positively so.

  3. ZiOnIsNeXtLeBrOn

    Why is this Hooman touching my butthole?

    First my claws, now my butthole. Where does it end with you Hooman.

    What’s next?

    I will be talking to cubby about these atrocities and we might have to do something about it.


  4. iriegypsy

    Whiskers twitch and squirm,
    Vet’s hand explores with care,
    Tail raised, health assured.

  5. slimspidey

    “this mother fu@#ker seriously lookin’ at my butthole!?” ~this bunny probably

  6. wrightthomas05

    He is thinking, “Your downfall will be swift, human. You have befouled my bot-bot for the last time”.

  7. JusticeForGluten

    So much disappointment in such a tiny creature

  8. bunnies_and_makeup

    My bun shot a poop out when their vet was checking their butthole. So angwy!

  9. Evija2021

    Apparently the ear thief decided to pay a visit as well. Rough day for Bigwig.![img](emote|t5_2riv8|8706)

  10. jasminel96

    “You’re just gonna let them do this to me?!”

  11. Blocksketcher

    Lmao that caption. Nearly spit out my coffee this morning 🤣

  12. TIL: Bigwig speaks German!! I’m close to a celebrity!!!

  13. Torisheets123

    Bigwig, like my fav bun bun from watership down? 🥹

  14. igneousink

    “first of all how dare you” – bigwig, probably

  15. my bun toots it up when the vet takes her temp & checks her cooter/booter. if she’s feeling extra indignant she’ll also poop

  16. wide-awake66

    Lol 😆 🤣 this pic is killin me, poor little guy

  17. Thrashstronaut

    And was the butt hole ok?

    I dunno, will go with your experience, I’ve never checked a bun butthole…

  18. MizElaneous

    This is the same look of utter betrayal my dog had on her face when she had to see the vet because she was faking an injury to try and avoid seeing the vet.

  19. [deleted]

    I mean…I too would have this face if you were just there watching

  20. ActStunning3285

    Sometimes when I have to help him clean up a bit down there, he gives me this same face. Like “no mother, how could you humiliate me like this” I try to be fast and not look, but my baby needs a little wipe from time to time!

  21. Rare-Lengthiness-885

    I’ve never seen a more appropriate “HELP ME” expression lol

  22. TwoWelshBunnies

    Poor Bigwig! His expression is priceless. I’m not surprised he’s indignant, poor sweetie!

  23. He has such an expressive face. I’m sorry to the rest of your clan, but after this and the toenail trimming post the other day, I think Bigwig’s my favorite.

  24. Comprehensive_Data82

    Omg that little pink nose!!! So angry 😂

  25. SeaCareful5360

    I am totally cracking up laughing at your Bun’s look! 😂😂 He is like… why would you let someone do this to me??! It gave me a chuckle for today. ❤️🙂

  26. LongjumpingCake1924

    Do they not realize that DOCTOR Bigwig is a seasoned medical professional and is therefore more than capable of taking care of his own bunghole?! Oh the indignity!!

  27. booleanerror

    That’s the most “But I poop from there!” face I’ve ever seen.

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